Hydrogen...and the future of electric energy production
Throughout his energy history, man has achieved a familiarity with the energy field available to him, from which he lives in two major phases: The first is defined by the length of his exploitation of renewable energies from the heat of the sun, wind, and water flow, especially the energy of organic mass. The energy capacity available and controlled by man during this stage remained very weak, limiting his ambitions and capabilities in the process of progress and the process of development and development of his society. The second phase began at the end of the eighteenth century with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and the pace of industrialization during this period was accompanied by a rapid depletion of fossil energy reserves.
There is no doubt that the gluttonous consumption of energy, which is still rampant to this day, will cause severe damage to the human and natural balance and will cause more ecological and other disasters that now threaten the inhabitants of the Earth and humanity.
In the face of this current situation, which is unenviable to our nature, which requires it to build up the fossil energy reserve for tens of millions of years, and in the face of the environmental problems resulting from the excessive and irresponsible use of these resources, humanity finds itself for the first time in its history facing enormous challenges that force it to make the right decisions quickly and decisively. To correct its energy path again.
The scope for thinking and making decisions is vast, of course, but in all cases the decisions that will ensure the appropriate presence of man in his environment and nature with which God created him will remain the right decisions.
It is expected that hydrogen will play a leading role in the field of energy in the future, especially since the raw materials for its production are plentiful and the cycle of its production and use is characterized by high compatibility with the conditions of sustainable development. An energy system that relies on hydrogen as an energy carrier can make renewable energy sources available to the consumer.