Petrochemical industry

Petrochemical industry

Petrochemical industry

 It contains a natural petrochemical industry on all industries in which petroleum products are used in the form of raw materials, where natural petroleum materials are mainly hydrocarbons, that is, they consist of hydrogen and carbon atoms, so the petrochemical industry offers a great place in the world of production and consumption, so that Plastics, synthetic rubber, fertilizers, dyes, detergents, textiles and other solvents are made from materials found in petroleum. The petrochemical industry is divided into two parts: production of raw materials, and conversion of materials into alternative products that can be used directly by the consumer.


History of the petrochemical industry

The petrochemical industry began working on a large scale in the year 1913 AD, after the thermal oil operations that resulted in the purification of crude oil. The petrochemical industry, in its principles, was precisely the use of the products of the crude oil purification technology, specifically in lighting operations or as a type of fuel, but while After that, it can be used in many fields as raw materials, hence the recent history in the 1930s to replace this industry to what it is now.


Examples of petrochemical industry

The petrochemical industry affects thousands of production processes and is distributed in many areas, including the following:

Medical field: It is mainly used to manufacture penicillin and aspirin, and treatments for AIDS and arthritis. It is also used in the industrial defense industry and many medical measures.

Financial field: Petrochemical effects in the manufacture of food preservatives and industrial food colorings. The agricultural field: It affects the manufacture of pesticides and fertilizers, in addition to the manufacture of pipes, threads, and plastic containers.

Scope: It greatly affects the plastic fiber industry, thus producing plastic containers, detergents, colours, fertilizers, containers, socks, contact lenses, wax, and many other household products.


Petrochemicals are made from the most important materials used in many different industries all over the world, and they come entirely from: cleaning industry materials, plastics, and perfume compounds such as: xylene and gasoline, as well as the manufacture of resin, lubricating oils, and other basic industries that do not It attracts you in general in life, in addition to the fact that the field of investment in this helps in the recovery of the economy