organic fertilizers

organic fertilizers

organic fertilizers

What does organic mean?

Or what is the meaning of organic and non-organic? Organic products are those that have been produced using natural and organic materials, such as vegetables, fruits, and grains that have been grown without the use of harmful industrial chemicals such as pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, which in turn contributes to protecting the environment and enhancing the health of individuals.


What is an organic element?

An organic compound is any chemical compound whose molecules contain carbon except for carbides, carbonates, carbon dioxide, bicarbonates, and cyanates. The study of organic compounds is called organic chemistry. Many of these compounds, such as proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, are of great importance in biochemistry.

Organic farming

Organic farming can be defined as a production system that is characterized by its ability to avoid or eliminate the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, animal feed additives, and growth regulators to a large extent. The organic farming system relies mainly on: crop residues, green manures, weeds, crop rotations, organic waste from outside the farm, legumes, compost from animal manure, and others. Organic farming balances inputs and outputs in a closed system, as the increasing awareness of consumers about food safety and environmental issues has contributed to a significant increase in the percentage of organic farming application over the past few years.


Advantages of organic farming

There are many benefits of organic farming for the environment and nature in general, including: Better control of weeds and pests through knowledge of crop rotations, biodiversity, organic fertilizers and chemicals used, and other biological factors. Encouraging biological activity in the soil, and protecting soil quality due to the use of organic materials. Providing nutrients to crops indirectly by providing microorganisms in the soil. Fixing nitrogen levels in the soil using legumes. Raising livestock on appropriate bases, caring for the environment and preserving natural resources and wildlife.


 Benefits of organic products

Organic products are beneficial to human health and the environment, and they contain more nutrients. A study published by The Organic Center showed that organic foods are rich in antioxidants, total polyphenols, and two major flavonoids: quercetin and kaempferol, which are beneficial to health. Another study published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry revealed the level of total phenolic acid content in blueberries, strawberries, and corn, and found that organically grown products contain higher levels of phenolic acids. Phenolic acids are important for plant health and human health alike, due to their antioxidant activity, in addition to a wide range of medicinal properties, including anti-cancer properties that help inhibit platelet aggregation.


What are the disadvantages of organic farming?

Organic farming has no negative effects on soil. Soil quality is actually improved due to organic techniques such as crop rotation and natural fertilizer. In comparison, conventional agriculture has many negative effects on the soil. The quality of the soil is severely damaged due to the use of synthetic chemicals.


Is organic food healthy or unhealthy?

Good antioxidant content

The positive effects of antioxidants on public health have been proven in a number of scientific studies, especially those derived from organic foods. This is because organic foods are free of chemicals that usually interact with vitamins, organic compounds and minerals.


Where is organic fertilizer extracted from?

The farmer can also obtain organic fertilizer from the manure of the animals he raises on his farm if he raises some, but he must leave the manure to ferment in the soil for a relatively long period of not less than 6 months. The farmer must be aware that the fertilizer extracted from animal manure comes from animals that feed on grasses.


When do we apply organic fertilizer?

Agricultural experts recommend using liquid fertilizer in the summer or spring, and it is best to do so thirty days before the beginning of spring. Avoid over-fertilization when applying the method of applying organic fertilizer to trees because of its negative effects on the plant. Therefore, it is best to fertilize the plant once a month.


Is it possible to dispense with organic fertilizer?

The professor of organic agriculture confirms that it is not possible to completely dispense with chemical fertilizer at the present time, as suddenly stopping its use causes a significant shortage in the crop, and thus crises in food security, and organic and chemical can be used together, explaining that organic fertilizer is only used in "organic agriculture" and it requires work in a special way, and specifications that are not suitable for agriculture.


What are the harms of organic fertilizer?

1- The spread of weeds, nematodes, fungal diseases and bacterial diseases in the soil. 2- Adding non-decomposed organic materials to the soil leads to a lack of oxygen, suffocation of the roots and loss of nitrogen in the soil. 3- Anaerobic conditions lead to the formation of toxic compounds in the soil that affect plant growth.


What is the difference between organic fertilizer and natural fertilizer?

Natural fertilizers help to aerate the soil in a better way, which makes the growth process more stable. Organic fertilizers can be made at home without the need for any chemicals or additives. Organic fertilizers provide plants with the elements they need to complete the various vital processes that help the plant grow properly.