Sustainable development

Sustainable development


Sustainable development


 It is the process of developing land, cities, communities and businesses, provided that they meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The world is facing the danger of environmental degradation, which must be overcome without abandoning the needs of economic development, as well as equality and social justice.


As stated in the definition, sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present and enables the needs of current and future generations to be satisfied and achieve their well-being without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The term sustainable development also means patterns of development that do not over-invest in the sources of natural resources that this development focuses on or destroy them, i.e. it is development that works to renew resources and wealth and re-manufacture in a way that ensures a clean and suitable environment for the lives of present and future generations, taking into account the challenges of preserving ecosystems and the limited renewable natural resources.


Sustainable development aims to create a world in which the phenomena of poverty, plundering of nature, selfishness, inequality and deviations of scientific progress disappear so that present and future generations can benefit from the maximum benefits of nature's resources. Sustainable development is considered the main regulator of economic policies in dealing with the environment and natural resources. Sustainable development represents a model for the quality of economic growth and how to distribute its benefits to all segments of society, and is not merely a process of economic expansion that does not prevent the increase in disparities between the incomes of individuals and groups, between the countries of the North and the South or within developing countries themselves. Sustainable development imposes itself as a practical concept for the multiple problems that challenge humanity and that it allows for assessing risks, spreading awareness and directing political action at the local, regional and international levels. The Sustainable Development Index includes social, health and environmental human rights in addition to the economic dimension through eliminating poverty, strengthening democracy, combating famines, crises and conflicts, encouraging culture and defending human rights, and through improving access to social services, food, health care, education, gender equality, and the ability to access information and communication technology and access to medicines and drugs to combat diseases. The adoption of sustainable development also includes an essential element in the plans of countries, especially with regard to the internal laws that regulate investment projects, protect the environment, prevent desertification, ensure access to safe and potable water, and improve sanitation for current and future communities. In order to address poverty in the world, this requires granting the poorest countries in the world permanent debt relief. It is necessary to strive to establish a global community that is united to face all challenges, such as eliminating poverty by changing patterns of production and consumption, protecting and managing natural resources for effective economic and social development that contributes to bridging the deep gap that has divided human society into rich and poor, preventing environmental degradation and desertification, bridging the large gap between the developed and developing worlds, and addressing water and air pollution in order to ensure the future of future generations. Sustainable development requires improving living conditions for all people in the world without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the planet. While sustainable development may require different measures in each region of the world, efforts to build a truly sustainable lifestyle require the integration of measures taken in three main areas, which are the following:

1- Economic growth: The existing global economic systems, with their interconnectedness, require an integrated approach to prepare for long-term growth while ensuring that no country is left behind.

2- Preserving natural resources for future generations by finding economically viable solutions to reduce resource consumption, stop pollution, and preserve natural resources.

3- Social development, as all peoples of the world need work, food, education, energy, health care, and water.