The distinguished role of the chemical and petrochemical industries

The distinguished role of the chemical and petrochemical industries

To highlight the distinguished role of the chemical and petrochemical industry and its occupies in the global economy, we mention that the volume of its products exceeds 70 thousand products and its sales volume reaches more than 2.2 trillion dollars. This industry also includes more than 10 million engineers and experts in addition to 50 million people involved in this sector. The number of factories producing for global markets exceeds 400 large factories. It should be noted that the situation is not without a number of challenges, including the increase in the population, which will become more than 10 billion by the year 2100.
This increase casts a shadow over the economy, energy, production quantity, as well as the climate and the effects it causes.
Thermal emission and carbon dioxide gas, as it is known that it currently suffers from the emission of 30 billion tons of this gas, which affects the occurrence of major problems such as global warming, and the thermal emission will reach 65 million tons in the year 2050, as well as the uses of chlorocarbon, agricultural pesticides, and fertilizers.