About Federation

About Federation

Based on the desire, keenness, and sense of responsibility towards the advancement of the Arab economy, achieving self-sufficiency, and highlighting the Arab economic identity globally, and because of what the Arab geographical region offers by providing the basic components of the chemical and petrochemical industries, including raw materials, qualified personnel, institutes and institutions that provide this sector with specialists, advanced technologies, training and qualification courses, and research activities. And the workforce and the importance of this sector because it represents the second largest industrial sector in the region, in addition to the rapid development that the sector is witnessing in the Arab world, as it has become an essential strategic sector in the economic, cultural and technological development of quite a few Arab countries. In addition to providing job opportunities for an important segment of the Arab workforce, which created a huge industrial base whose invested capital is estimated at billions of dollars and whose outputs cover the Arab and international markets, it has become one of the basic pillars of the Arab and global economy.

Sensing these facts and believing in the necessity of working to revitalize Arab integration economically and industrially in the face of international industrial and economic blocs, a group of Arab industrialists and chemists took the initiative to establish an Arab organization specialized in the chemical and petrochemical industries that would undertake to provide advisory, technical, technical, economic, environmental, investment, training, and academic expertise in the name of the “Arab Federation for Chemical Industries.” And petrochemicals. Its founding conference was held in Baghdad and its establishment was announced in 1998.